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Co Worker Rescue at Height

Everyone in the industry or otherwise working at height and may be faced with a colleague who is fallen and hangs helpless in his fall protection system.

In this course the student learned how he can free a colleague from a perilous position with the simple means of a standard set after he dropped in his fall arrest protection. Victims who hang helpless and motionless on altitude in a harness will get harness suspension symptoms (orthostatic shock) within half hour that eventually could lead to death. The rapid release of this person must be your highest priority. In accordance with the law on working conditions and the consequent duty of care is an employer required employees to prepare for this possible scenario. Generally, with a few simple tools, this problem can easy be solved. Rescue 3 Benelux has a short course developed in with the following areas are included: fall factor, falling, harness suspension trauma, hooking a victim using rescue pole, hoisting victims, rescue a victims from his lifeline, lowering a victim, first aid harness suspension trauma.

½ day

Rescue 3 International 

Entrance requirements:
Independently working with fall protection.